Montessori schools rate higher than conventional schools because of a few key things:
1. Montessori schools know that children naturally want to learn, and don't need to be forced to learn.
This is where conventional schools go wrong. They assume that children need incentives to learn, and when they don't respond, are dealt punishments such as bad grades and trips to the principal's office. Thus causing children to loathe the learning experience that they once dearly loved.
2. Montessori schools fan the natural flame that children have towards learning by providing hands-on, self-paced, collaborative, challenging and joyful learning.
Without this approach, conventional schools oftentimes extinguish the flame and passion that a child once had for learning. Many children learn better with hands-on and collaborative learning rather than book work. Montessori realizes this fact and eliminates the detached learning experience. Furthermore, in conventional schools children are always told to keep up with the class or are held back in their learning experience because their peers are not ready for the next lesson. They are also sometimes harboring bored students who don't feel challenged in the classroom. Montessori eliminates that by allowing teachers to move around the classroom and guide each child individually in their learning process through thought-provoking lessons.
Our Montessori inspired classrooms allow children to lead their learning experience by their individual interests and passions regardless of what other children are working on. Our method of teaching will surely foster a lifetime love of learning within your children!
To enroll your child in our center, click here.